

Sunday - 9am & 10:45am worship services 10:45 Sunday School

Missions has been a part of our DNA from the very beginning!

1964 our first full time missionary was sent.

1966 we hosted our first missions conference.

Presently we support over 40 missionaries near and far. They include church planters, college campus ministries, international ministry, and training / discipling / mobilizing.

Who are our missionaries?

First of all we call our missionaries, "Global Partners". We consider our support of them a partnership, and we take it seriously! We pray for them continually and strive to keep in touch with them so that we can remain involved in their work. Their stories are amazing!

Grace Church Global Partners are young adults just heading out on the mission field. They are couples and families choosing to live in other countries to form relationships so they can share the gospel. They are individuals entrenched on college campuses. They are seasoned workers of God who have spent their whole lives in service to Him to share the love of Jesus and further His Kingdom. And they are people who live and work in their neighborhoods and churches to share the salvation of Jesus Christ in their own countries.

How do we support our missionaries?

No money is used from the operating budget of Grace Church to support our Global Partners.

The financial support for all our Global Partners comes directly from the generous family of Grace Church. Pledges are made in the fall of each year to help the GO Team oversee the yearly budget and make decisions on support.

Are there other ways Grace Church fulfills the command of  Matthew 28:19?                                                 YES! The GO Team supports

Short term missions trips (Adult & Youth)

Annual Missions Garage Sale (an outreach to the local community the benefits our Global Partners in a big way)

Conferences & learning opportunities

An Exciting Ministry

Grace is blessed to have been part of God's work through hundreds of missionaries in our 60 year history. We gratefully acknowledge their faithfulness, as well as the sacrifices our global partner families have made in taking the message of salvation through Jesus Christ througout the world. It always has been - and continues to be- a privilege for us to partner together in the Gospel.

Learn More about global partner outreach today!

Featured Missionaries

Mark & Kathy Lipic
Grant, Alex, & Nia

TEAM Expansion

Supported Since 2018

The Lipic family moved to Louisville, KY in ‘22 where Mark continues his work with Team Expansion in new roles as Field Coordinator and Diaspora Services Consultant. Mark travels to countries to meet with, coach, and shepherd teams currently on the field. He also ministers to refugees in the Louisville area. 


Let’s Pray 

  • Pray for the Central Asian church. Pray for relationships that need to be reconciled.
  • Pray for additional funds to come in for purchasing audio Bibles so that the people they reach out to are better able to understand God's love for them even if they don't read or don't read well.
  • Pray that God would mightily use the Lipics in reaching people with God's love.