Download our app!


Sunday - 9am & 10:45am worship services 10:45 Sunday School

Want to stay connected?

We would love to stay connected with you! Download our church app & keep us in your pocket with you! You'll have access to everything our website has to offer. If you create an account, you can request access to a pocket directory as well as sermons & events. Follow the directions below. If you have any questions or issues, contact the office.

1. Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, look for My Church by ChurchSpring, and download the app. It looks like this:

2. Once you open the app, you will see a description of what to expect. Click the black "Continue" button and type in your church name in the search function.

3. When you see your church name, click it to select it, then click "continue" and the system will load your app for you!